The things you must know when choose automatic door

Sep. 09, 2016

We know that a door is the key eye of the buliding. There are many kinds of automatic doors in the market, choosing a suitable door for a buliding is an important thing.

Common questions:

1. Generally, you should choose a suitable automatic door brand. Surely, expensive is good, while good may not be expensive. If you have not used the automatic doors, you’d better to choose a brand that has a professional production plant and provides a more complete automatic door service.

2. According to your own requirements, you should determine the configuration of automatic door.

Automatic Door

Additional features:

1. Whether you need configure high-performance sensor and narrow area sensor or not;

2. Whether you need configure security auxiliary sensor or not;

Automatic Door

3. Whether you need electronic door locks and a special manner or not;

4. Whether you need configure the fire linkage, backup power systems or not.

KBB, is an automatic door manufacturer, provides products around world. Learn more at:
