Three Arm Turnstile
  • Three Arm Turnstile
  • Three Arm Turnstile

Item Number: Three Arm Turnstile


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Product Description

KBB high efficiency security turnstiles is one of the best entrance control in the world, which could be equipped with almost any system of different buildings, such as access control, time and attendance, visitors, card transceivers, tickets and biometrics, as well as being able to handle CCTV and other additions.

General Discription

1. Appearance and design . Specially designed according to operational environment and tailored to the building style .

2. Material . Stainless steel ,Glass , Acrylic ,Wood ,Stone ,Titanium alloy .

3. Assage width . 400mm ~ 3000mm .

4. Dimension . Designed according to specific project dimensions .

5. Surface finish . Hair brushed , Satin brushed , Polished , Electroplated coating , Watermarked .

6. Environment . 

Suitable for environments, +80 degree~ -45 degree .

Humidity >95% .

Protection: IP11 ~ IP67 .

KBB Advantages

1. Advanced safety features . Equipped with more than 10 pairs of military specification infrared sensors, which accurately monitor safety and security functions, including anti- passback, tailgating, illegal access, anti squeeze and orientation identification.

2. Speed Technology. Adjustable Opening/closing time for swing gates and wing gates can be as low as 0.35s .

3. Appearance. Class leading breakthrough on curved design appearance and surface treatment ahead of competitors .

4. Complete product line . Capable of manufacturing 6 lines of products, KBB is one of the top 3 manufacturers in this competitive field. Our products are fully compatible with all major worldwide projects and we offer a fast response be spoke service platform.

Three Arm Turnstile

Three metal rotor arms manufactured from high grade stainless steel tube are arranged in a robust control pod to allow exceptionally high strength. Each control pod allows 120 degree rotation to ensure a single pedestrian passage.

The three arm turnstile is a tried and tested solution.

There are two types of design: tripod and stand. The tripod turnstile is compact and easy to install, requiring limited floor space.

The stand model has a longer passage, providing higher security and has increased interior space allowing the addition of more safety and control devices.

Each design allows for a controlled single person passage with high security and reliability.

Waterproof and dustproof, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use in all environments.
